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Up to 12% off exclusive discount, Let's join Maxim's Cake membership!
New! Mini Bread Series🤩

Maxim's Cakes Mini Bread Series that are convenient for you to mix & match at any time😏! (Products are not avaliable for Maxim's Onsite Bakery and Freshly Baked stores)

New! Ring Bread Series⭕

New! Ring Bread Series⭕!This new product is round in shape and super cute, and comes in two flavors that will whet the appetites of adults and children😋!


New! Ring Bread Series⭕
【☀️Summer Fiesta 夏日盛典蛋糕系列🧊】

【清涼一夏⛱️Summer Fiesta蛋糕系列Chill爽登場!】

初夏消暑速報📢美心西餅召集咗超人氣時令水果🍈🍉,推出全新Summer Fiesta夏日蛋糕系列🍰,多層次香甜清新果漾,啖啖透心涼💦!

#仲夏蜜瓜蛋糕 當清甜密瓜遇上密瓜奶凍🍈,每啖夾雜住天使忌廉同皇牌朱古力脆脆😍,清爽滋味包覆味蕾,消暑就係要呢啲❄️!

#水漾西瓜蛋糕 一口爆汁原片西瓜🍉再加清甜士多啤梨🍓,配搭西瓜慕絲,多重口感Chill爽衝擊,對抗高溫點少得呢種至Fresh嘅快感🤭!

6 吋 | 約 1.5 磅 
原價:$218 | App會員價:$200.6

4.5 吋 | 約 0.8 磅
原價:$158 | APP會員價:$145.4

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